If you have not returned your 2010 U.S. Census form, you can expect a Census worker to visit
your home sometime between May and July. Mandated by the U.S. Constitution, the Census
campaign continues to ensure that every living person in this country is counted. Census data are
used to apportion congressional, state and local elected seats as well as distribute over $400
billion in federal and state funds for essential community services such as roads, schools, parks
and disaster assistance. The count impacts every person and community.
Census forms were mailed in March. If you did not receive a form or cannot locate it, call 1-866-
872-6868 for help. Census workers will identify themselves by presenting an official
identification badge. No private information such as social security numbers or credit card
information will ever be asked.
All census responses are confidential. Answers are protected by law and cannot be shared with
anyone. Extreme measures are taken to protect the identity of individuals and businesses. By
law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents’ individually identifiable answers with anyone,
including other federal or law enforcement agencies.