Robert E. HebertFort Bend County Judge
Phone (281) 341-8608or (281)
For Immediate Release
Fort Bend County Judge encourages all to Complete and Mail Back 2010 Census Forms
Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert encourages all residents of Fort Bend County to complete and mail back the 2010 Census form in an effort to eclipse the area’s Census 2000 mail participation rates. “Please join me in taking 10 minutes to answer 10 questions that are vital to our community’s future.” The 2010 Census questionnaires are delivered from March 15-17, 2010.
One of the shortest census forms in U.S. Census history, the 2010 Census form asks 10 questions and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Responses to the census form should include everyone that will be living at that address as of Census Day, April 1, 2010, the official day of the population count. (It is not necessary to wait until April 1, 2010, to return the census form, however. Forms should be returned as soon as possible.) Mailing back a form ensures an accurate count and lowers the cost of the 2010 Census by reducing the number of census workers who must go door-to-door to collect census data. About $85 million is saved for every one percent increase in mail participation. Also, the Census Bureau saves $60-$70 per census form returned by mail.
Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QAC) will be available to assist those unable to read or understand the census form. For those with visual impairments, the Language Assistance Guide will be available in large print and Braille. Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons who do not have access to Video Relay Service (VRS) can call the TDD number, 1-866-783-2010. In addition to these options, Language Assistance Guides will be available in 59 languages at all QAC locations.
From March 22 through May 3, 2010, daily mail participation rate maps and data tables will be available at For more information, visit
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