Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome to Plantation Colony


The year is under way, and as neighborhood reps, we are excited about getting the whole neighborhood involved in activities!

We want to make the Plantation Colony Subdivision a group of families that are united by the desire to raise our families in a safe and secure environment. To do this, it takes everyone's help.

Recently, the City of Sugar Land posted the following information in regards to keeping yourself and your family safe.

Situational Awareness
Be alert when going out, whether it’s to get the morning paper, a quick trip to the grocery store, or a day of shopping. Strive to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Did you look out the peephole before you opened the front door?
Did you look to the left and right as you stepped off the porch?
Were there any cars parked in the street in front of your home or the neighbors that looked out-of-place?
When you are returning home from work, or being out, are you checking your mirrors for vehicles that may be following?
Is there a strange person standing in the neighbor’s driveway?
If you are focused on the plans for the rest of the day, weekend, or special event, your mind is distracted, and a window of opportunity is open for the criminals. Time to slam that window shut. If you are relaxed, yet aware of your surroundings, you are better able to recognize a threat and react to it with plenty of time. Distance is your friend. See the threat, react to it, and evade to safety. Too many victims have said, “The bad guy(s) came out of nowhere.”
Be Alert!
Play the “what if” game to develop a response to different situations so you remain in control. As with any skill, it takes time to develop this technique. Once learned, it can be honed to a sharp edge, giving you a sense of confidence and peace of mind. Just as a skilled driver can outperform the novice, the learning curve can be fun. Your ability to “see” what others miss will be amazing. Remember, if you are caught off-guard, you lose!